Saturday, 18 July 2020

Mood Swings And Periods

    To all the tough girls out there during their mood swings and those days before & during your periods, you are the strongest! 

You know how hard mood swings are (or maybe you don't  because you don't get  them, but you need to read this)

Let me make one thing clear, this article is regarding how much attention this topic needs but is still ignored by many!

 In case you don't know what are mood swings during periods are here's the science.

     It is thought that hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle (fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels) affect the mood of women and trigger negative emotions such as anger and irritability.

What happens before and during  periods(every single time)

Well, it's a long list:
 abdominal cramps, breakouts, tender breast, fatigue, bloating, bowel issue, headache, lower back pain, trouble sleeping, anxiety, heavy body, heavy heart, triggering emotions, and people around who don't understand how you feel.

Being in mood swings is like holding on to one emotion right inside the heart, the brain becomes numb and the body is out of place. Mood swings make us look like we are doing fine but in reality, there is no feeling other than anxiety which flows through every blood vessel, tissue, and cell. There's a fine steady pain in the heart that we need to carry everywhere facing everyone and once we burst into tears, we cry for a longer duration ending up losing a lot of energy.

The "period" before getting periods is mostly dull, you end up arguing with your close ones, conversations turn into debates, turn into those "not today" days, and pissing off sustains till you get them(periods).

And Once You Get Them
It's you, the blood and the pain. The first two to three days are supposed to be intense and do vary with different bodies. Menstruation makes the body weak and when the abdominal cramps take over, fracture of blood walls can be felt.

She tough
 I mean just look at her she's a "Super Woman" every single woman because when all this goes on inside her body she still smiles, she works, she takes care of the entire family and she runs a business. 
Having a week full of blood flowing through her vagina and the mental alarm which rings every three to four hour after the pads are full she still acts like its normal just like her other non-menstrual days. 

Reproductive health professor John Guillebaud told Quartz that patients have described cramp pain as "almost as bad as having a heart attack".

This world would be such a better place if every woman going through this phase before and during periods is treated right and understood.
  •  For those 4-5 days ask your mom, wife, to rest and contribute to your house chores with the rest of the family members. 
  • Let your daughter, sister, wife take rest, and provide her with all her essentials.
  • Ask your female employe/subordinates/assistants if it's okay for them to stay late or work extra before assigning anything new.
  •  Make sure you have enough tampons, sanitary pads, etc at home.
  • Even asking or showing concerns will make her feel better.

My Story:
I have gone through really crazy mood swings phase, there used to nights when I would cry for hours and not sleep the whole night. Due to severe anxiety, I was not able to work or focus on anything. I have even tried harming myself during my mood swings, and now when I look back I feel I have been so strong and have learned to control my emotions.
 Even today many people do not understand the importance of mental health and one of them is mood swings in women.
Mood swings occur every month before periods and women go through a real rollercoaster of emotions.
Grownup individuals should be aware of this mental health issue so that when a woman from their family goes through this phase every month, she has people around who support and understand her. 

If you are going through or have experienced any difficult phase in your life, comment on this blog so that I can connect with you because I know how you feel <3


I know you feel this

About I know you feel this

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