Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Never Care About Other People's Opinions

 John or anyone does not like mashed potatoes and doesn't like sunsets. Does it have anything to do with you? No. And then John comes to you and says I really don't like you. He says I don't like the way you speak or cuss words that you say. Well okay, that is John's opinion that's how he feels but it has nothing to do with you.

"What will people think of me is actually none of my business."

 So when John says he doesn't like mashed potatoes do you get offended?
 No not
But when he says I don't like your hair and he is speaking directly to you.
 Do you start to feel a little bit worthless or not enough because everyone has worth issues and it comes from a lot of different places.
 It can come from your parents ( the average child is repeated eight times more than they are praised). But soon people and children learn that their natural state is not good and it doesn't fit in the world and it's not good enough for my parents they only love me when I am acting the way they want me to act. We all have a little bit of a few worth issues. So people have to buy new houses, cars. Their opinions have nothing to do with us and their opinions are none of your business. And that's really the way we should start looking at things.
 And what happens is when somebody says something we take it the wrong way.
 Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.
 So if someone makes you feel inferior it's not their fault it's your fault.
 You went in public and someone cusses and you hate cuss words.
 Well, why do you hate cuss words? Is it because you actually hate cuss words or is it because you were taught to hate them? Maybe you have been taught that good people don't cuss or you have to be quiet and not seen or heard.

 And maybe you don't use the 'f' word or 's' word because it makes you sound unintelligent. Do you feel that there are smarter words than cussing? And if you are getting offended by what someone is saying you are giving up control of your life to other people's words then people are controlling you.
 You are changing the way you feel by something that is coming out of their mouths or sounds coming out of their face. We have to control ourselves more than to care about others' opinions.

 If someone has a problem with you that's their problem. That's not your problem. If you are living your true self and if someone is offended by the way you are living or in the house you live or car you drive or people that you love, the way you act dress or talk. That's not your issue that's their issue. The worse that you can do is dim your light to make other people feel a certain way around you; to make others not offended. If you are acting your trust it's the most beautiful authentic and amazing version of yourself as long as you are not trying to hurt anyone. There are tons of authentic versions of yourself. Everybody's different you don't have to fit the mold that society says you have to fit. You don't have to fit the mold that your mom tells you to fit.
 So express your truest you and if people have problems with it that's their problem. John does not like you. No big deal. Because if John doesn't like mash potatoes that's his problem as well. So be the truest version of yourself. Strip away what society has told you to be.

I know you feel this

About I know you feel this

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